Sunday, May 10, 2009

Breast Cancer's Network of Strength Walk to Empower

I was kind of sad this year on Mother's Day-both of my kids were still at school taking finals and my husband was on call at the hospital having an extremely busy weekend. I longed for those days when I got homemade gifts from the kids-it all goes so fast! So my sister invited me to join her and her family in a 5K walk for breast cancer. We raised $600 between the two of us and had an unbelievably gorgeous Chicago morning. Here is Team Daughters In Pink posing with the skyline.

Liana did amazing and walked almost half the way. And she's right-we all look good in pink!!!

Here's a belated Mother's Day wish to my favorite moms: Mom, Mom Rosborough, Carol, Donna, Tricia, and Tammy. Hope you all had a great day!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow we have the exact same eyes in this photo! So glad we finally got to walk our walk, I loved spending the day with you! :-)