Sunday, February 8, 2009

Lazy Sunday...

To Do List:
*Pay bills
*Fold laundry
*Make dinner
*Shake rugs and wash the kitchen floor
*Iron scrubs for work this week
*Clean the downstairs bathroom
*For that matter clean my own bathroom

So what am I doing instead? Surfing the web, drinking my 3rd cup of coffee, reading the Trib, and putting off everything else!

65 degrees here yesterday! It was 7 on Tuesday. What is up with that??? No sunshine today so it's kind of depressing.

My friend has surgery tomorrow so that's really all that's on my mind today. I think it hit her Friday that this was really going to happen. Tomorrow will be a long day for all involved. I don't envy her husband having to sit around pretty much all day and wait. Love you T-my prayers are with you.

Here's hoping for an early spring-yesterday was a teaser. I really don't care if the groundhog saw his shadow this week. If he'd been diligent on his diet and exercise it would be sunny and warm again today ;0)

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